Project kick-offs involve several cornerstone activities that each play a significant role throughout your endeavor. One of the most critical tasks is defining your brand personality. Make no mistake, this isn’t YOUR personality, it’s how your customers will perceive your service or product. I’m not a fan of big, long, wordy requirement documents, so I utilize a set of 7 questions (as one part of my kick-off process); Small/Big, Assertive/Playful, Masculine/Feminine, Young/Mature, Different/Trustworthy, Modern/Classic, Reserved/Outspoken.

The exercise is not meant to be all encompassing or conclusive but serve as a living guide for other requirements. Put something together, throw it against the wall to see if it sticks. It’s incredibly easy to overthink these questions, if this happens my advice is to (1) go with your gut (2) allow only a few seconds for each response (3) if your stuck on something, skip it and come back later. In less than one-minute, your first pass at your products brand personality is done.
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