Look like you’re sneaking up on a water buffalo 😮

Welcome to Spring. The weather has finally started to settle down. One of my way overdue, procrastinated spring chores was to update my online profile photos. Not my favorite task. What pushed me to do this was Donna needed some for her new venture. She recently joined a new team with First Street Real Estate. One Sunday afternoon, we jumped into the car and hit a couple locations around the UC Davis campus. In a previous life, I did some family photography and was always looking for tricks to get people to relax in front of the camera (including myself). Then recently, while working on a web design project, I came across Hurleyisms, a collection of one-liners to get your subjects smiling for their headshots.

“Give me a look, like you were just slapped in the face, by a monkey!”

“Look like you’re about to surprise a wooly mammoth.”

“Flare your right nostril slightly.”

Some of the lines are funny, others are weird. Regardless, they relax your victim or subject when the camera starts clicking. We ended up with some decent shots and even had a little fun. If your people are looking frozen in front of the camera check out Hurleyisms. After the shoot, we headed over to Mikunis and filled ourselves with pepperfin, sashimi, and rolls. A good way to reward ourselves after this dreaded task.

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